Eric Halioua
Company: PDC*line Pharma
Job title: President & Chief Executive Officer
Discovering the Optimal Clinical Setting for Achieving Positive & Accurate Clinical Results to Streamline Candidate Approval 3:00 pm
To successfully carry out trials for neoantigen therapies, the field needs to understand what the best clinical setting is and what conditions should be used to get the most accurate and reliable results. This enables neoantigen therapies to be fast-tracked through the clinic in order to get to the patients in need faster. What learnings…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day
Fireside Chat: Discussing Investment Opportunities for Better Understanding of What Venture Capitalists are Looking for to Enable Advancement of Neoantigen Therapies 12:00 pm
What are the risk factors that investors are concerned about causing them to withold? How to develop the most effective data packages for investors? How do investors view neoantigen companies?Read more
day: Day One