Yaohe Wang

Company: VacV Biotherapeutics
Job title: Chief Executive Officer
A Personalised Neo-antigen Viro-Immunotherapy Platform for Human Solid Tumours 11:00 am
How to identify immunogenic neoantigen epitopes? Is computational prediction sufficient? How to optimise tumour-targeted replicating oncolytic virus to unlock the power of virotherapy for cancer treatment? How to combine oncolytic viruses and neoantigens as a synergistic frontier for cancer treatment?Read more
day: Day Two
Identifying Rational, Synergistic Neoantigen Combination Strategies to Maximise Clinical Efficacy & Overcome Tumour Resistance to Improve Patient Response Rate 9:01 am
Helping the industry to overcome challenges in efficacy and tumour resistance, combination strategies have been hailed the future of immunotherapy, with neoantigen-targeted cell therapies and vaccines increasingly being administered alongside other immunotherapies. However, navigating the complexity of administering multiple drugs requires smart protocol design, identification of distinct biomarkers, careful monitoring of toxicity, and precise assays…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day