Jingwei Sun

Company: Grit Biotechnology
Job title: Vice President of R&D
Development of Next-Generation Neoantigen Cancer Vaccine With a Functional Discovery Platform & APC-Targeted LNP System 11:30 am
Overviewing the development of a neoantigen discovery platform that integrates an AI algorithm deeply investigating the characteristics of neoantigens with validated immunogenicity using tumour-specific T cells derived from autologous TILs and PBMCs Evaluating delivery via an APC-targeted LNP system, the neoantigen cancer vaccine induced robust antigen-specific T-cell responses and effectively controlled tumours in multiple mouse…Read more
day: Day One
Panel Discussion: Validating Immunogenicity of Neoantigens & Establishing a Consensus on Selecting Optimal Neoantigen Targets to Generate an Efficacious Immune Response 12:00 pm
Developing a robust, functional validation platform using effector T-cells to validate neoantigen immunogenicity and avoid systemic toxicity Establishing a consensus on the most appropriate tools and technologies for ranking and selecting the best neoantigens for targeting Characterising neoantigens and selecting an appropriate number for use in therapies to invoke immunogenicity in patientsRead more
day: Day One