Eliciting the Desired Immune Response for Long Term Clinical Efficacy in Both Personalised & Off-The-Shelf Neoantigen Cancer Vaccines & Cell Therapies

Time: 11:31 am
day: Pre-Conference Day


When monitoring the effect of neoantigen therapies, it is important to understand whether observed immune responses will lead to tumour regression. Additionally, determining how targeted neoantigens are actually processed and presented on tumours is vital to ensure the most appropriate neoantigen targets are selected. Furthermore, selecting the right patients, indications, and conditioning regimen to maximise clinical success is necessary to increase the likelihood of an efficacious clinical response.

This workshop will address:

  • Identifying an appropriate patient population based on patient and tumour characteristics to ensure the right patients are being treated at the right time
  • Understanding at which line of treatment to administer neoantigen-based therapies, and which disease types are most responsive to treatment
  • Selecting the right therapeutic platform and conditioning regimen for patients depending on their level of immune depletion to enhance therapeutic tolerability and achieve long-term efficacy
  • Determining desired level of therapeutics efficacy and selecting appropriate read outs and end points to measure clinical success 
